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Statement in Support of the Biden Administration’s “Day of Action to Raise Awareness and Advocate for the Prevention of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the Trucking Industry.”

Washington, D.C. – During Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, the Alliance for Driver Safety & Security, also known as The Trucking Alliance, offers its’ support of the Biden Administration’s call to raise awareness and initiate efforts to prevent sexual harassment in the trucking industry’s workplace. Sexual harassment, assault, and abuse can happen anywhere, in any industry and the freight transportation and logistics industry is no exception.

Every employee has the right to feel safe and secure in the workplace; one that is free from discrimination and harassment. That’s why Trucking Alliance member companies are committed to educating employees, advancing policies, and offering corrective measures to ensure that sexual harassment is eliminated, and every employee feels safe in the workplace.

The Trucking Alliance is a member of the Women in Trucking Association (WIT), a leading proponent for eliminating sexual harassment in this industry’s work environment. A recent WIT survey of members revealed that women truck drivers feel least safe in rest areas and truck stops. State transportation agencies, which normally own and maintain rest areas, should provide the necessary lighting and security to ensure that all people feel safe when they have stopped to take federally mandated off-duty rest periods. Truck stops should employ security personnel to regularly patrol parking areas.

The Trucking Alliance applauds the Biden Administration, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Labor for promoting a culture of safety and security for all truck drivers. A safe and secure work environment is the cornerstone of the Trucking Alliance, in both name and purpose.